Pear Scion (2 Sticks per Selection)


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2 Sticks per Selection

9″ tp 12″ Dormant Pear tree cuttings for grafting.

Orders begin shipping Late January / Early February if not combined with a tree / Rootstock order.

Scion orders placed with Rootstock ship early March.

Scion orders placed with Trees ship approximately:

USDA Zones 6-9               March 7st

USDA Zone 5                   March 21st

USDA ZONE 4                  April 7th

Additional information


Anjou, Ayers, Bosc, Chojuro, Clara Frijs, Clark's Small Yellow, Dabney, Dana Hovey, David, Deveci, Douglas, Duchesse d'Angouleme, El Dorado, Gin, Green Jade, Honey Asian, Honey Sweet, Hosui, Improved Kieffer, Joey's Redflesh, Jumbo, Karl's Favorite, Kieffer, Korean Giant, Lazy J, Magness, Maxine, Moonglow, Orient, Plumblee, Raja, Rotkottig Frau Oster, Seckel (Extra Large), Sueri, Summercrisp, Treasure, TS Hardy, Turnbull, Unknown Pear (St Nic), Warren, Yellow Huffcap


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