Apple Scion (2 Sticks per Selection)


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2 Sticks per Selection.  9″ to 12″ Dormant Apple wood cuttings for grafting.

Variety Availability Will Be Reduced After January 1st.

We Are Working On a Database of Photos and Information Of Our Apple Collection

Orders begin shipping Late January / Early February if not combined with a tree / Rootstock order.

Scion orders placed with Rootstock ship early March.

Scion orders placed with Trees ship approximately:

USDA Zones 6-9               March 7st

USDA Zone 5                   March 15th

USDA ZONE 4                  April 7h

Additional information


39th Parallel, Ahaiski Sweet, Aivania, Akero, Alexander, American Summer Pearmain, Antonovka Shafran, Api Etoile, Apricot, Arkansas Black (Spur Type), Arlet, Arlie Red Flesh, Ashmead's Kernel, Astrid, Baldwin, Bashkian Beauty, Bell Fleur Rouge, Ben Davis, Benoni, Black Amish, Black Ben Davis, Black Limbertwig, Black Twig (Major Rankin Toole's), Blue Pearmain, Bogo Belle de Boskkoop, Bonkers ( NY 73334-35), Bonney's Best, Braeburn, Bramley, Brown's Apple, Brushy Mountain Limbertwig, Bushey Grove, Butterball (Edible, Ornamental Crab), Campfield, Cameo, Caney Fork Limbertwig, Carter's Blue, Cheddar, Chenango Strawberry, Chestnut Crab, Chieftan, Chisel Jersey, Chris' Seedling, Cinnamon Spice, Clark's Crab, Clark's Green Summer, Clark's Red Yellow Summer, Clifford (Burford Red Flesh), Club Apple "A", Comfort, Conard, Coopers Market, Co-op 32, Cox Orange Cherry, Cox's Orange Pippin, Cripp's Pink, Crow's Egg, Dabinett, Darwin's Jonathan, Devonshire Quarrenden, Djulabia, Dolgo, Doux Normandel, Dudley, Egremont Russet, Empire, Empress, Enterprise (Co-op 30), Esopus Spitzenburg, Eve's Delight, Fall Russet, Faurot, Florina, Fuji, Fyan, Gala, Gilpin, Glockenapfel, Gloria Mundi, Griffith, Glowing Heart, Golden Delicious, Golden Delicious (Mullins), Golden Delicious (Spur Type), Golden Harvey, Golden Russet, Granny Smith, Gravenstein Washington Red, Grenadier, Grey Pearmain, Grimes, Grove, Halls Pink, Harlson, Harrison, Harry Masters Jersey, Hawaii, Hewe's, Honey Ball, Hudson's Golden Gem, Idared, Iron Bridge, Jean, Jonagold, Jonagram, Jonagrimes, Jonathan, Jonathan (Darwin's), July Red, July Tart, Kandil Sinap, Keepsake, Kidd's Orange Red, King David, Kingston Black, Kinnaird’s Choice, Lady (Api), Lady Williams, Liberty, Limon Pippin, Little Rosybloom, Lodi, Mantet, Makamik (Ornamental Crab), Milo Gibson, Minister, Honeycrisp (MN 1711), Mollie's Delicious, Mother ?, Mott's Pink, Natalie (NY 65707-19), Nehou, Newtown Spitzenberg, NJ 55, Noel des Champs, Northern Spy, Northern Lights, Nova Easygro, Ozark Gold, Palmer Greening, Paw Paw (apple), Pink Pearl, Pink Sugar, Pitmaston Pineapple, Prairie Spy, Yellow Transparent (Prairie), Pear-Apple Cross, Priscilla (Co-op 4), Profusion (Ornamental Crab), Pumpkin Russet, Raven, Red Cinnamon, Red Delicious (Hawkeye), Redfield, Red Royal Limbertwig, Roter Ananas, Roxbury Russet, Royal Limbertwig, Ruby Limbertwig, Russet King, Sabbatus Crab, Seek No Further, Smith's Cider, Smokehouse, St Edmund's Russet, State Fair, Stayman, Sugar Thyme (Ornamental Crab), Summer Song, Summer Treat, Sundance (Co-op 29), Sunrise, Sweet 16, Swiss Limbertwig, Thorgauer Weinapfel, Tolman Sweet, Tom Putt, Tydeman’s (?), Vanderpool Red, Victoria Limbertwig, Whitney, Winesap, Winter Red, Wolf River, Wright, Yarlington Mill, Yates, Yellow Transparent, York, Unknown Apple (Late Keeper), Unknown Apple (Smaller Choice), X-4982 CV


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