

Philadelphia 1860s.


Probably a cross between Bartlett and an Asian pear.  Considered an European Pear but, has the crunchy course texture of Asian pears.  Kieffer trees tend to be long lived. Kieffer trees are commonly found planted around near Old farmhouses.  They were highly valued because the would keep long into the winter in a root cellar.  Picked green in September they turn yellow and are fully ripe when held at room temperature for a couple weeks.  Primarily a canning pear.

  • Uses: Caning, Fresh Eating, Cooking
  • Flavor: Sweet, Crisp
  • Fruit Size: Large
  • Pollination: Self-fertile
  • Ripens: September, Requires additional ripening after harvest.
  • Keeps Up to 6  Months in Cold Storage
  • Fireblight:  Very Resistant
  • USDA Zones: 4-9